Yuma Sun e-Edition

Agents still capturing large groups of migrants.


Camera operators from the Yuma Sector Communications Center observed a group of 136 migrants who illegally entered the United States from Mexico early Friday morning.

That group, however, was only one of several large groups of migrants who surrendered to Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents over the weekend.

In addition to another group of 59 migrants on Friday, agents apprehended groups of 81 and 71 on Saturday, a group of 78 on Sunday and a group of 71 on Monday.

Yuma Sector agents also apprehended several groups of migrants who were attempting to avoid being detected, including a group of eight Mexican nationals who were caught early Sunday morning.

The group was caught in the desert approximately 10 miles south of Foothills Boulevard and County 14th Street.

Each member of the group was reportedly wearing carpet booties over their shoes in an attempt to hide their shoe prints and prevent agents from tracking them.

They were unsuccessful, however, and Wellton station agents apprehended them before they could make it further north into the Foothills community.

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