Yuma Sun e-Edition


1. Engine additive 4. A hearty laugh 8. Restrain 10. Dried coconut kernels 11. Nefarious 12. Elderly 13. Central part of a church building 15. Throw into confusion 16. Intestinal 17. Qualities of being religious 18. Live up to a standard 21. Seize 22. Go quickly 23. Automated teller machine 24. Bowling necessity 25. One point east of due south 26. Japanese honorific 27. A way to induce sleep 34. Makes cash register rolls 35. A city in S Louisiana 36. Make more cheerful 37. Manicurist 38. Consents 39. Network of nerves 40. Mocking smile 41. It covers the body 42. Partner to pans 43. Perform in a play


1. Beautiful 2. Polynesian island country 3. Shrub of the olive family 4. Self-governing Netherlands territory 5. Shared one’s view 6. Tailless amphibians 7. Charge passengers must pay 9. Sound sheep make 10. Known for sure 12. Filled with unexpressed anger 14. Student (abbr.) 15. Criticize 17. Gathering place 19. Informal alliances 20. One’s mother (British) 23. Landholder 24. Peter’s last name 25. Parties 26. Title of respect 27. Red wine 28. Pearl Jam’s debut 29. Shaft horsepower (abbr.) 30. Frosts 31. Cry of joy 32. Induces vomiting 33. Mother or father 34. Dal __: Musical navigation marker 36. Door fastener part






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